Guido Crepax, versatile artist, sofisticaded and decidedly modern


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“SELF-TIMER” by Beatrice Brandini                  

I went to Milan to see the beautiful exhibition of Guido Crepax at the Palazzo Reale. Unfortunately remain open for a few days, to all those who follow me, and the many friends who live in Milan, I say GO, it’s really interesting (even free, that ‘s great to share art and culture as a gift! ).

Tavolo da lavoro di Crepax con schizzo

Desk with ink and nib

Introduction to the city of Milan that has “welcomed” me for 12 years: “I love you” and THANK YOU for always offering beautiful things. Moreover, unlike what they say, it is not at all true that it is a cold city, just think that it hosts a very high concentration of foreigners (I am not talking about international foreign people, but of those who leave their Italian city for a better opportunity) , if this is not welcome and generosity, how else could we call it ?! Furthermore, it does not matter if the sky is not always clear and blue, personally I prefer to live in a city full of stimuli and events, especially cultural ones, than in uncontaminated and bucolic nothingness. Finally, I always hear, with some criticality, the cultural decrease in Milan compared to the 60s or 70s (there is probably a decrease but it is everywhere, so perhaps we should open a parenthesis to talk about how LITTLE has been invested in culture, in recent years, in Italy). But we also try to be proactive (it is a vice of us Italians to self-flagellate on everything), Milan is a great city, people work a lot, and they have all my respect, and that’s why maybe I’m not always like this available to chat “scoundrel”.

Tavola originale 3

Original figure

This exhibition “ Guido Crepax : portrait of an artist”. Was desired and prepared by his wife and his children, to remember, ten years after his death, this amazing artist.

The exhibition is divided into ten rooms, each of which has a different theme, as fashion, film, design,  in order to emphasize the versatility of this great, but not only, italian cartoonist.

Tavola orignale 2

Beautiful also the set up, with boards, posters, records, giant silhouettes of Valentina, mannequins, and much more, inside the rooms of the Riserva ‘s apartment of Palazzo Reale, an incredible contrast between modernity (Crepax ) and antiquities (stucco, velvet, wood, mosaics).

Sagoma Valentina

Template of Valentina

During his long and successful career, Crepax illustrated books, newspapers, record covers,  has designed advertising , remember foremost that of Shell , which in 1957 earned him the Palme d’Or for advertising at Cannes, but also toys, jewelry and scenery.

Tavola originale

Original sketches

Degree in Architecture, he never practiced since an early age , early 50s, he began to draw. Following an intense activity as an illustrator for Mondadori , Vallardi , Rizzoli, the Piccola Bibloteca Ricordi, etc. In 1965 arrives in the pages of Linus, where he created the legendary photographer Valentina Rosselli.

Bacheca con foto e lavori

Showcase with photographs and works by Crepax

Valentina ‘s stories are fantastic and dreamlike, although still characterized by strong real references. In fact, I would say, that if one wants to know the trends and myths of Sixties or Seventies, can understand a lot more from the drawings and the stories of Valentina instead of documentaries or magazines of those years. In fact his children testify that Crepax would never drawn a story without a perfect setting, so the clothes, the wallpaper, the most simple of objects, everything reflects the time.

Particolare Pavimento

Particular of the floor inside the exhibition

Valentina is perhaps his “creature” most popular, in fact, the number goes up to 1995. The adventures of this incredibly modern woman, who scored a precise style not only in a comic book and illustrative, but especially in the anthropological sense, becoming a famous character like a real character. An  icon.

Sgabello Valentina

Stool Valentina

Non stops the illustrator, in fact, between 1966 and 1973, draws hundreds of covers for the series of adventure Nuovi Sonzogno.

In 1968 he signed the sets for ” The Cage “ and collaborates with Tinto Brass for the film ” Col cuore in gola” ( defined as the Italian Godard, he was not yet skilled in the erotic genre). Then create other female figures and adapt literary classic, as  Poe or James, and classic eroticism, as De Sade or Arsan.

In the nineties he invented the character of Giulietta for the montly magazine L’Espresso Più, as well as for Francesca for the comics magazine Lupo Alberto.

The latest work is an adaptation of Frankenstein, based on the book by Mary Shelley.

Sagoma di Valentina

Template of Valentina

The wife Luisa, along with the actress Louise Brooks, was the model for his Valentina (again, as for Piaggi or Newton , the companions are fundamental guiding and accomplices of these artists ).

Thanks also to you, incredible creative Crepax , for giving us Valentina and many other beautiful images that will remain in history and who have made this world more beautiful.

Sagoma tridimesionale

Template of Valentina

Valentina – Blythe

Good life at all!


2 commenti su “Guido Crepax, versatile artist, sofisticaded and decidedly modern

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